Journalling for mindfulness and setting your intentions

Keeping a journal isn’t simply keeping a diary. Journalling is a chance to be reflective every day or few days, go deeper with your own thoughts, set your intentions and express yourself. Rebecca Marr outlines its many benefits, with suggestions on how to get the maximum benefit from your journalling   Journalling for mindfulness, setting…

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Woman showing a positive frame of mind

A positive state of mind is one of the first rules of good health. Our polarity therapist Jane Seaman explains how to break the cycle of negative thoughts to live a healthier life The science of polarity therapy is founded on spiritual principles that exist throughout our lives, principles that operate no matter how unaware of…

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Hand reflexology for sleep

So you’re having difficulty sleeping? Trouble is, if that goes on night after night, then bedtime becomes a ‘try harder’ trial: you lie there awake and when sleep doesn’t happen you get in a tiz. Forget counting sheep. Your head gets cluttered with those gibbering thoughts… It’s happening again; if I don’t fall asleep soon…

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Accepting bad thoughts

It’s human to feel rubbish some days, maybe even weeks. While it may seem as if you have no choice but to power through those bad times, taking time out to contemplate about your anxieties, self-doubt or feelings of uncertainty can make all the difference – accept what’s causing your distress and you’re on your…

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The colour red

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude reaps multiple benefits in keeping us happier, healthier and calmer. A key tenet in mindfulness, it is a powerful force that not only brings a smile to the face, but also links to you to a higher power that you can trust in that all will be well in life.…

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Our monthly mindfulness class with Annie Davison. Everyone is welcome, whether you have experience of mindfulness or not. If you have already done an 8-week mindfulness course and would like a regular top-up to your practice or find it difficult to put the mindfulness training into day-to-day practice, then this is the class for you.…

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You don’t have to sit or lie down to be mindful. Walking can be a wonderful way to achieve mindfulness. It’s a question of focus and allowing yourself just to be as you put one foot in front of the other. Take each step as it comes. Think about how a dog trots along and…

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Choose a colour and decide to notice that colour as you go about your day. Every time you notice it stop and acknowledge it. Sit in your garden, balcony or by the window with a hot drink and observe the sky, clouds, greenery, stars, birds or insects for five minutes. Pause at your computer for…

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