Supermarkets' demands on fruit and veg growers means we all need to take food supplements

We often hear people saying they eat a healthy diet so why on earth would they need to take food supplements? Well, here’s the reason: the fruit and veg we eat today delivers a fraction of the nutrients of the stuff our grandparents ate. You’d have to eat eight oranges nowadays to derive the same…

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How important is sleep to our health?

  Rhi Hepple, The Hub’s naturopathic nutritionist, discusses how important sleep is for our health, how poor sleep can affect us and what may be causing a bad night’s kip, plus she gives her recommendations for natural remedies to help you get a good night’s zzzzzzs. [swpm_protected for=”4″ format_protected_msg=”1″]   We should all be prioritising…

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cleansing home

Our home should be our castle… our sanctuary… our safe place. It so important that where we live makes us feel safe, happy and comfortable in our surroundings. In fact, making it a positive living space, no matter how big or small, is key to optimising our health and well-being. At a time when the…

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Immune health with Rhi Hepple

Join us for a sit-down chat on immune health from our naturopathic nutritionist Rhi Hepple, analysing immune system stressors and how to manage and combat them through food, nutrition and general lifestyle. Rhi gives positive lifestyle tools to help handle our emotional reactions, such as breathing techniques, yoga and meditation, and supplies details of the top food supplements that support…

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Breathing properly

Noticing and understanding how we are breathing is a huge step to living a more balanced and calmer life. Shelley Edwards, The Hub’s NLP practitioner and yoga teacher, outlines why and how to breathe right We all take breathing for granted but have you ever contemplated the power of your breath – or wondered if…

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Woman in lavender showing the benefits of choosing complementary therapies

Discover the difference natural health therapies can make to your life and why to choose alternative over allopathic Western medicine. Polarity therapist, shamanic healer, business & life consultant Jane Seaman explains why we at The Hub firmly believe in the alternative   Are you someone who has an interest in alternative therapies or ancient healing practices,…

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family laughter protection holidays summer

When the children break up from school it finally seems like summer has arrived – nothing quite like the sound of kids’ laughter as they play outdoors to say hello to the holidays. Fingers crossed we continue with this good run of fabulous weather! Whether it’s staycation or vacation for you this year, we’ve got…

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