Natural remedy for hayfever sufferers with itchy eyes

The homeopathic remedy euphrasia (made from a plant commonly known as eyebright) is a fabulous all-rounder for any eye problems, from hay fever to eye strain to conjunctivitis. Take tablets, or a few drops of tincture neat or in water are the homeopathic equivalent of Optrex, says The Hub’s homeopath Sue Leach.

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homeopathic remedies for hay fever, especially itchy eyesEuphrasia is a top remedy (although by no means the only one) for hayfever eye symptoms especially if you have hot, acrid streaming from the eyes and a runny nose where that discharge is non-corrosive. [The other way round, with corrosive nose discharge and a bland flow from the eyes, and you need allium cepa]

Here are some of the many symptoms for which the homeopathic remedy euphrasia is of benefit:

  • Styes
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Allergic eyes
  • Thick, acrid, yellow discharge from the eyes
  • Puffy, swollen eyes
  • Blisters on the cornea
  • Iritis (inflammation of the iris)
  • Photophobia
  • Eyes watery all the time
  • Painful eyes
  • Ptosis (drooping upper eyelid)

For hayfever I recommend you take the tablets (up to six daily) to reduce eye inflammation and soreness, plus use the tincture to soothe symptoms. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and lie back and think of low pollen counts!

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic remedies are safe for people of all ages to take. Children respond particularly well to homeopathic treatment.

Euphrasia is available as tablets or tincture (both £7.50). Also part of The Hub’s homeopathy kits (from £25) containing 9+ remedies that you can use for many day-to-day ailments

The Hub's hayfever leafletFor more information on how homeopathy can help with hayfever pop in for our free leaflet or give us a call on 01590 670955
