The Daily Dose

Welcome to The Daily Dose, where we share our team's experience and expertise to help you live a healthier and happier life. From natural remedies for common ailments, through news on our many complementary therapies, to easy and quick de-stress tips and the latest health research, we are here to keep you informed and give you down-to-earth advice.

Nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing

Nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing

June 19, 2020

Shelley Edwards, The Natural Health Hub’s NLP practitioner, yoga instructor and weight loss mentoring coach, introduces a favourite breathing technique to de-clutter and focus the mind: nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing. Nadi is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘channel’ or ‘flow’ and  shodhana means ‘purification’ so this wonderful breathing exercise clears the mind and body…

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy

Book choice that brings a smile to the face

June 17, 2020

Dip into this heartwarming book to cheer yourself up. Charlie Mackesy’s The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a true gem that you will never tire of… “What is the bravest thing you ever said?” asked the boy. “Help,” said the horse. [swpm_protected for=”4″ format_protected_msg=”1”] This beautiful, heartwarming hardback, The Boy, the…

Some positives of lockdown: people are cycling more

Some positives from lockdown

June 16, 2020

All is not doom and gloom since the UK pressed the pause button due to coronavirus. Here are some unforeseen health benefits that have come from the Covid-19 lockdown… [swpm_protected for=”4″ format_protected_msg=”1”] We’ve got cleaner air As we’ve been out in our cars less air pollution is significantly down. Levels of harmful nitrogen dioxide have…

The benefits of colloidal silver

June 15, 2020

Rhi Hepple , our naturopathic nutritionist, outlines the benefits of colloidal silver, recommending that everyone should have some in their first aid kit. This magic liquid is antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and antiseptic, a perfect alternative to taking antibiotics. [swpm_protected for=”4″ format_protected_msg=”1″] Colloidal silver is a really handy natural product for your first-aid kit. It can…

arnica, the homeopathic remedy

Arnica: no household should be without it!

June 14, 2020

Arnica is the remedy that first brings many people to homeopathy. So many parents swear by it for reducing golf-ball bruises on their kids’ knees within minutes, says our homeopath and founder Sue Leach. Made from the leopard’s bane plant, it’s the number one remedy for accidents and emergencies – no household should be without…

Plant-based vegan diet

Thinking about going vegan?

June 13, 2020

The secret to a vegan diet is to aim to add in plant-based foods where you can, says our naturopathic nutritionist Rhi Hepple. If you focus on adding in the plants rather than eliminating other things, then you’ll soon find you will be so full and satisfied you just won’t be reaching for those cakes…

Guided forest meditation

Friday night guided meditation

June 12, 2020

Hannah Bimpson, our hatha yoga instructor, invites you to chill on Fridays with this beautiful guided forest meditation. Make yourself comfortable… and experience the end-of-the-week aaaah! [swpm_protected for=”4″ format_protected_msg=”1”] Hannah’s meditation takes you on a peaceful, ultra-relaxing meditative walk in nature, relishing the smells, sounds and touch of the forest. Allow 25 minutes to connect…

Why your choice of nail care matters: natural chemical-free and toxin-free nail polishes from Dr.'s Remedy

Why your choice of nail care matters

June 11, 2020

So you avoid eating ready-made food, preservatives and additives… you don’t like taking drugs… you shun weedkillers and chemicals in your garden. Yet you never think twice about coating your toenails in nail varnish. Here’s why your choice of nail care matters… Nail polish typically contains a cocktail of chemicals that were actually quite a…

The art of contentedness is living in harmony

Living in harmony: the art of contentedness

June 10, 2020

How content are you? Being content is definitely a daily skill – and probably taking a bit of work right now for you! According to Mahatma Ghandi, ‘Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.’ Here are some simple tips on living in harmony by practising the…

Two friends are laughing, definition of how to be happy

How to be happy – truly happy

June 9, 2020

How to be happy? For many people happiness is elusive and a bit of mystery. Here at The Natural Health Hub we believe that happiness in’t simply a matter of looking after yourself emotionally and physically. Research shows that true happiness lies also in a further dimension: nurturing yourself spiritually. For us at The Hub…