
Australian Bush Flower Remedy – Bauhinia Flower Essence 15ml

Original price was: £11.95.Current price is: £5.00.

Crowea is for people who are feeling ‘not quite right’ with themselves and are just a little out of balance. It is an excellent Essence for people not sure of what it is they are feeling. This purple flower has five petals with a prominent raised centre. Five in numerology relates to the emotional centre and the integration of emotions.


Made up near Geikie Gorge in the Kimberleys, this Bauhinia Essence is for embracing new concepts and ideas. There may be some hesitation or reluctance, initially, in coming to terms with these. It can even help when there is a person who is annoying you or whom you dislike. For example, a family of a different nationality may become neighbours and even though you may not be racist, you may have difficulty accepting their different manners and custom. This remedy is also good for older people who are very set in their ways.

Negative Condition

  • Resistance to change
  • Rigidity
  • Reluctance

Positive Outcome

  • Acceptance
  • Open-mindedness