Woman in lavender showing the benefits of choosing complementary therapies

Discover the difference natural health therapies can make to your life and why to choose alternative over allopathic Western medicine. Polarity therapist, shamanic healer, business & life consultant Jane Seaman explains why we at The Hub firmly believe in the alternative   Are you someone who has an interest in alternative therapies or ancient healing practices,…

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Woman thinking about new year resolutions, having a lightbulb moment

Kids back at school, weather nippier, getting dark earlier. Welcome to September. September is like a New Year: time to take a pause – and reflect. Bet there are a few things you’d like to change in life. Now’s the time to do them. Let The Hub help you get your act together in September! Autumn…

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acupuncture for pain relief

The beauty of Balance Method acupuncture is it can provide instant pain relief. Unlike other forms of acupuncture, which focus on the point of the body suffering the pain, Balance Method acupuncture treats meridian lines, or energy channels coursing through your arms and legs. An added bonus is that means you can be treated fully clothed. Richard…

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