cognitive behavourial hypnotherapy

Here is a poem from the creators of our beautiful crystal water bottles. The BeWater bottles contain gem stones that infuse your water with their healing powers, and this poem is all about infusing your life with whatever YOU WANT…

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I am free

I am free to choose

how I see the world.

I can paint the colours

of my emotional sky.

I am free

I have the power

to find inner peace

and bring others joy.

I am free to discover

the magic of new horizons

and see with clear eyes.

I am free

I will find beauty in the ordinary

and love without prejudice.


BeWater crystal water bottlesWe all know that drinking enough water is crucial. So why not give yourself the incentive to drink more and give your water that extra bit of oomph with one of our Bewater water bottles. Each contains a different crystal which infuses your water with its healing. Drop by to browse the range and you’ll find the perfect bottle to inspire, empower, restore and vitalise you… They’re stunning, they make it so pleasant to keep hydrated and they make amazing, unusual presents.

They have four ranges of bottles with crystals to infuse your water: Belove, Bepowerful, Bejoyful and Bemagical, each designed using gemstones inspired by these qualities.

bejoy… is the simplicity of life itself. It makes everything beautiful in a world where water gives us life, capturing and recapturing the innocence of childhood.

belove… is about loving and caring for ourselves, being part of our community, our friends, family and neighbours.

bemagic… is a world where we inspire ourselves and those around us, to go beyond the impossible, and achieve something amazing.

bepower… is our active energy. It encourages sparkling lives, harnessing our vitality, strength, and inner power.

Head to our Shop to view the whole range
