Foot reading: what the shape of your feet means

Most people will be familiar with palm reading – but did you know that foot reading is also a thing?! Our reflexologist Ally Brown, who qualified as a reflexologist 20 years ago, is also an experienced foot reader: ‘The sole of our feet represents the soul of our being,’ she believes. Foot reading is not about predicting the future, it’s about revealing your personality and the feet telling your life story. It is has been developed from ancient Chinese, Indian and Hungarian practices


How you feel about your feet is often how you feel about yourself. Your feet can tell the stories of your life so far – the shape, condition, colour, any blemish or injury all tell me a bit about something that has happened during your lifetime.  But don’t worry, they don’t tell me anything intimate or intricate details, just a snapshot of circumstances or events that are important to you.   I believe the sole of our feet represents the soul of our being. Nothing is ‘just because’… it is who we are.

Overview To give a brief outline of what foot-reading is about, firstly the right foot represents the past and the left foot represents the present – neither represent the future. The bottom of the feet represents what’s going on inside your soul (your sole!) and maybe you don’t want to show this to the world. The top of the feet is what you don’t mind showing to the world,

Shapes A wide foot can belong to a ‘worker’, someone who works hard, always doing something, taking the load; whereas a long and slender foot usually belongs to someone who prefers to delegate. The wide-footed person will be the one making tea for the person with the slender feet.

Individual toes Each toe also has a meaning – starting with the…

Little toe: motivation and security (right fear-based, and left trust-based).

4th toe: relating/relationships (right to things, and left to people).

3rd toe: doing (right with passion, left creatively).

2nd toe: feelings (right what you want to do, and left what you are passionate about)

Big toe: beliefs, ideals and self-esteem.

Appearance Toes that bend over or feet with bunions show the person ‘bends over backwards’ by putting others first to their own detriment. Different colouring on the feet can often mean something too – such as a yellowy tinge can mean someone is fed up (or ‘peed off’) about something, whereas a blue tone can show someone is depressed or hurt about something – and depending on which zone it is in (see the toes’ description above) will be the area of life where that depression or hurt lies.

I usually incorporate a little foot-reading into my reflexology practice if my clients are happy for me to do so, but only at their request – it makes for a fun dinner party conversation!!

Ally Brown

To book a reflexology consultation with Ally click here