Daily rituals have been a form of self-care since ancient times. The practice of performing rituals helps you feel more grounded and connected, and gives a sense of structure and purpose to your day. Once you begin implementing these habits you will feel a sense of rhythm that naturally flows through your life, says The Hub’s pilates instructor and receptionist Rebecca Marr. Taking the time to nurture yourself is the ultimate act of self-love and enables you to go about your day with ease and harmony. Have a go at some of Rebecca’s suggestions for your Daily Dose of self-nurturing…


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COPPER FIRST THING Upon waking drink a cup of water that has been stored in a copper vessel overnight. Copper not only purifies your water – the process, called the ‘oligodynamic effect’, kills harmful microbes, fungi and bacteria. Copper ions, dissolved into the water so that it is positively charged, also help maintain the body’s pH (acid-alkaline) balance. Your water will be packed with strong antioxidant properties, helping to boost your immune system, fight off free-radicals (one of the main reasons for the formation of fine lines), improve joint and thyroid health, and aid iron absorption, and in the production of new and healthy skin cells that replace old dying ones. According to Ayurvedic tradition, water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body (vata, kapha and pitta).

SQUAT POSE Squat yoga pose (malasana) has a grounding quality – it taps into a downward-flowing energy and is a good pose to practise whenever you need to bring on calm. Squatting is one of the most effective ways to tone the entire lower body, particularly helping to sculpt strong, lean legs. It works the quadriceps, hamstring, gluteal and calf muscles of the legs, plus it strengthens the lower back and core. Sitting in squat pose also has the added bonus of improving digestive health.
Sitting in a deep squat benefits your ability to fully release when you go to the toilet, as while in this position your colon is able to straighten. This decreases your risk of diverticulosis, haemorrhoids and constipation. Squatting for 5-10 minutes every morning is the ideal time of day to hold this pose.

How to squat:
Separate your feet about 6-8 inches, and place a folded blanket under your heels until you are able to lower your pelvis and maintain balance.
Squat in front of a wall or piece of furniture and reach forward to hold it for support if needed.

DRY BODY BRUSHING – Dry body brushing gives you super-soft, toned skin and invigorates your entire body, dusting away dead skin while flushing out toxins. Before your morning shower, use a natural (non-synthetic) bristle brush, begin brushing by starting at your feet, moving in long, sweeping motions toward your heart, taking care of more sensitive areas. The most important areas are legs, tummy and upper arms.

SELF-MASSAGE – Physical touch is incredibly healing to our nervous system and can bring a sense of calm and contentment to our daily lives. Self-massage can be performed after your morning shower or evening bath, or both! Use a carrier oil such as jojoba, fractionated coconut or almond oil, adding a few drops of your favourite essential oil for added therapeutic properties. Starting at your feet, work your way up your legs and continue massaging all areas of your body and lastly your hands. This is not only a beautiful treat for your body but a great way to get the blood flowing as well as gaining super-soft skin.

WATER WITH LEMON AND GINGER Another recommended drink to have in the morning is a mug of warm water with fresh lemon and ginger. Benefits include the flushing out of toxins, warming up the digestive system and cleansing the body internally. Lemon is full of Vitamin C and ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory and wonderful aid in settling an upset stomach. Make sure you receive the full benefits by drinking this natural tonic before eating your first meal of the day.

DAILY ORACLE CARD There are many beautiful Oracle card decks available, try searching Amazon for one that appeals to you as these intuitive tools can really set you up for the day. I recommend shuffling your deck while thinking about something specific you are looking for some guidance on; alternatively, ask for something inspiring to appear. Then fan out the cards face down and, using your left hand (which is controlled by the intuitive right side of the brain), hover over the cards until you feel drawn to any one card – and voilà! You can then read the guidebook’s interpretation or discover what your intuition tells you from the images and hold those thoughts close to you throughout the day. Those few words can bring you much needed strength, clarity, confidence and calm.

MEDITATION Every morning try taking the time to meditate for a minimum of 5 minutes, ending by setting your intention for the day; or if you have more time in evening you could use it as a way to wind down and switch off before bed. Meditation gives us the space and time to truly connect with ourselves, a moment to switch off from the outside world and take a journey inwards to a place of peace, calm and inner serenity.
There are several ways to meditate including guided meditations, listening to relaxing background music or sounds or having no sound at all. You can find many free resources on YouTube.

It is always best to find a comfortable place that enables you to sit upright, whether you are cross-legged on the floor, sitting on a chair or on your bed. If you find it uncomfortable to sit upright in this position, try sitting on the edge of a cushion to help you align more comfortably. Then rest your hands on each knee, loosen your shoulders and relax your jaw. Closing your eyes, start by focusing on your breath, inhaling deeply, holding for a few seconds, then exhaling slowly and then repeating. Once you find a rhythm, you can turn your attention away from your breathing to focus internally while finding a deep resting place within.

BURNING INCENSE Burning incense (sage or palo santo) helps to clear energy and set a positive tone. Burning incense stimulates the brain with a sense of calm, which provides a wonderful aid when practising yoga or meditation. The aroma of incense smoke is capable of reducing your heart rate and soothes the nerve pathways within the brain to make you feel completely relaxed and at peace.
Burning sage helps to cleanse and purify the air and energy within the home by releasing negative ions, which research has linked to creating a more positive mood. Palo Santo can help brighten energy and promote feelings of positivity and joy, reducing stress and anxiety, and enhancing clarity and concentration. Using this ritual daily is not only a delight for the senses, but also incredibly grounding and soothes the spirit.

