Adi shakti: restoring your personal power

We share with you a meditation, Adi shakti, to empower and motivate, tuning into your personal power and the infinite energy of the cosmos 

This Hindu mantra is sometimes also called Adi parashakti, meaning the First Power. It’s a powerful mantra to attract infinite divine power and energy. When meditating with this mantra our intention is to attune and merge with the powerful vast divine energy and infinite source of all of us. It’s a wonderful empowering mediation that helps us to be free of the insecurities that block freedom of action.

This mesmerising recording by Nirinjan Kaur is the perfect way to set yourself up for the day.


Words and meaning 
Adi shakti, adi shakti, adi shakti, namo namo
I bow to the primal power

Sarab shakti, sarab shakti, sarab shakti, namo namo
I bow to the all encompassing power and energy

Pritam bhagwati, pritam bhagwati, pritam bhagwati, namo namo
I bow to that which God creates

Kundalini mata shakti, mata shakti, namo namo
I bow to the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine Mother Power



Adi shakti, adi shakti, adi shakti, namo namo

Arms out (like goddess arms), fingers closed, palms face forward, two sways left two right then two left, then bow at the words namo samo)

Sarab shakti, sarab shakti, sarab shakti, namo namo

Snake from side to side with your arms, low down by knees then bow

Pritam bhagwati, pritam bhagwati, pritam bhagwati, namo namo

Put your hands in the prayer position to your left shoulder, then right knee, left shoulder, then right shoulder, left knee, right shoulder, then bow

Kundalini mata shakti, mata shakti, namo namo

Snake rising up and then bow