Woman with cold and mucus looking miserable

Our naturopathic nutritionist Rhi Hepple explains how mucus is not always due to physical causes. All too often if someone is constantly mucousy or feels congested a lot of the time, it can be put down to emotional reasons. For physical issues that can lead to mucus click here, read on for emotional issues…

Whenever someone asks me about mucus I wonder what is going on not only physically for this person but also mentally/emotionally. For complementary therapists mucus is an indication of someone being stuck, not letting go of something, or harbouring an emotion such as grief.

Naturopaths believe in the same system as the Chinese: that at this time of year (the metal season) our lungs and colons are working harder. So if issues arise around now then we need to look at why the system is weak and does not have the energy. Emotionally the lungs are about grief and the colon is about letting go. If we are emotionally holding on or are weighed down with unresolved emotions then we can hold tension in these areas and physically there is not enough energy for these organs to do their job efficiently.

Another indication that you may have energetic disturbances in these areas is if your sleep is disturbed. If you naturally wake up consistently around 3am to 5am then the lungs are disturbing your peace. And if it’s between 5am and 7am when you wake and feeling uncomfortable then this is the time the colon is working harder.

Sometimes just acknowledging our emotions and finding a way to release that emotional tension can go a long way in helping you to ‘let go’… whether that is talking with a friend or loved one, asking for help and support when you don’t often normally ask, or booking in to see a counsellor or other practitioner you can talk to such as a homeopath; or finding peace through energy support work such as reiki, polarity therapy, meditation or mindfulness.

And stress – the bane of our lives. Stress can have a big impact on our digestive health (and so cause mucus build-up) because if our body is flooded with stress hormones and we are in ‘fight/flight’ mode then lots of bodily functions, especially digestion, slow down. Our brains are prioritising the approaching lion we have to fight, not ensuring how to digest our lunch. If we keep feeling stressed then bodily functions will all slow down. Not detoxing efficiently will mean we have more toxicity in our bodies, making us feel literally crap. Whatever way you find helpful in de-stressing then now’s a good time to make that a priority.


Finally, it’s so busy at this time of year. We try to fit in so much more, just when our bodies should be slowing down, resting up and sleeping more. I heard a new acronym recently that I’m totally embracing – JOMO – Joy Of Missing Out. Sometimes saying no to something you would usually feel as if you had to say yes to and staying at home. Embracing the Hygge way: cosying up in front of a movie, having a soak in an epsom salt bath*, staying in bed and reading a book. Just slowing down.

These are just a few ways to nourish your soul and support healing and recovery.

The Hub sells Love to B’s really lovely salt bath soaks, scented with natural rose, citrus or lavender, with healing mineral-rich Dead Sea and Himalayan salt (£6.50 per sachet). Go on… your pre-Christmas treat!


To hear all about what naturopathic nutrition entails and to make an appointment with Rhi just click here.