cedarwood essential oil

Living in the New Forest, I particularly love the healing spaces surrounded by ancient trees particularly in autumn so I have chosen an oil steeped in ancient history, a spiritually enhancing oil that has been used for centuries in medicine, cosmetics and incense. It is very grounding and can help extremes of emotions – it has a woody and earthy aroma that can promote positive feelings and reduce negative emotions.

Around this time of year when the temperature drops and the nights start drawing in we may feel the urge to disconnect from the world and hide away from people. Cedarwood is the ‘oil of belonging’, helping when we are feeling disconnected from our community, struggle to form social bonds with others and just feel lonely. It helps us connect, feel supported and find joy in those social relationships.

Think of a tree reaching down through its trunk to its roots for strength and stability – this is the identity of cedarwood – it is fortifying, strengthening and grounding. It can help some types of arthritis and rheumatism, minor wounds and skin problems such as dermatitis or alopecia. Cedardwood can aid hair loss as it strengthens and stimulates hair follicles promoting circulation to your scalp. Emotionally it can aid anxiety and stress, improving focus and memory. It is a natural deodoriser, neutralising rubbish smells, and a natural insect repellent.

Cedarwood has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-fungal qualities. It can help promote sleep with its sedative qualities. It is known to help in times of change or crisis, big adjustments such as the ending of a relationship or job loss, even grief after a death. It is also mentioned in the Bible, symbolising wisdom and protection, and was used by Ancient Egyptians in the mummification process.


  • To help with winter coughs and colds rub a few diluted drops (5 drops to 10ml carrier oil) onto your throat and chest and inhale deeply – this can help shift stubborn phlegm or catarrh.
  • To help promote sleep diffuse or inhale before bed, or use 5 drops in a carrier oil in the bath with 4 drops of lavender.
  • Before exercising massage 1-2 drops in 5ml of carrier oil onto your chest to ground and focus the mind before a workout.
  • Improve the appearance of skin imperfections by directly applying 1 drop to affected area.
  • Use at the end of a long day to promote emotional balance and a relaxing environment. For a bath mix 5 drops with 5ml carrier oil.

Do not use in pregnancy or for children under 12. May cause skin sensitivity.

Materia Aromatica cedarwood, 5ml. Click here to buy

DoTerra cedarwood, 15ml. Click here to buy