Keep cool in the heat of a very hot day

Hannah Bimpson offers a guided forest meditation at The Natural Health Hub in LymingtonLast night in her Zoom yoga class our instructor Hannah Bimpson did a demo of a neat way to keep cool in this heat… If you’re missing your yoga fix and you’d like more details of Hannah’s online classes click here

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If you’re feeling a tad hot and bothered in this heat (who isn’t? today’s set to be the hottest day so far this year) here is a clever yogic breathing technique to keep cool (well, cooler, from time to time!). It makes us all look a bit ridiculous – but, trust, it’s well worth it…

  1. Roll up your tongue and stick it out. If you’re unable to roll your tongue (and many of us can’t) do the breathing technique through your front teeth.
  2. Inhale through the roll in your tongue (or through your teeth).
  3. Exhale through your nose.
  4. Do this a few times regularly throughout the day, and you’ll take the heat out of the heat!
