cleansing home

Our home should be our castle… our sanctuary… our safe place. It so important that where we live makes us feel safe, happy and comfortable in our surroundings. In fact, making it a positive living space, no matter how big or small, is key to optimising our health and well-being. At a time when the negativity out in the world inevitably seeps into our home via the news and other people’s stress and anxiety, Rebecca Marr shows how to cleanse the energy in your home so that it is full of positive energy and free of negativity. Here’s how to make your home your sanctuary from lockdown and Covid-19, an expression of your inner self, so you feel a sense of calm, clarity and contentment on a day-to-day basis


Every room and outside space holds its own energetic frequency, emitted from all the living beings and objects that dwell in the surroundings. And all this can have a positive or negative impact on our day-to-day well-being. When you create your home with a sense of beauty, inspiration and protection you create a sanctuary. There are several ways to cleanse these energies as a way of maintaining optimum balance and harmony within your living space. [swpm_protected for=”4″ format_protected_msg=”1″]


Cleanse your home with a smudging stick

Cleansing the home through the ritual of smudging originates from the indigenous people of the Americas as a form of cleansing and blessing that brings powerful healing benefits to our modern way of life. Every month around the new moon is a particularly auspicious time to cleanse and restore to support new beginnings, but smudging can be done daily or any time you find negative or stagnant energies lingering. This helps to renew the quality and effectiveness of the life force around you.

When smudging your home it is always advised you use appropriate ventilation to help remove the old energy and let the incoming airflow regulate the newly cleansed atmosphere. A smudge stick, which is a tightly bound bundle of dried sage leaves, is first lit and then blown out to allow the smoke of the sage to cleanse and detoxify. Holding the unlit end of the sage stick, wander around your home making sure the sage smoke reaches into every corner, every window frame and around every door, as well as being evenly distributed within each room.

Once you have cleansed your whole living space make sure you put out the lit end of the sage stick safely before leaving unattended.


Cleanse your home using a clearing spray

If you are not keen on using a smoke to cleanse you may wish to make your own clearing spray. To make your spray charge an empty, clean glass spray bottle on a sunny windowsill for a few hours. Put a few drops of sage essential oil into the bottle. Feel free to add other essential oils such as lavender and mint which are very calming and clean fragrances. Fill the bottle three-quarters of the way with spring water and the last quarter with witch hazel which acts as a preservative (you can also use vodka). You may like to add a crystal to add an additional charge of clearing energy. Spray around your space in the same way you would clear with smoke.


Keeping your home positive

As well as cleansing with smoke or a spray, to keep positive energy flowing through your home, regularly clean, clear and declutter, light special candles, display vases of fresh flowers, place crystals on surfaces and enjoy the purified air that indoor plants can provide.


Rebecca Marr is The Hub’s pilates instructor, plus you’ll find her on reception on Thursdays and Fridays, always keen to answer your questions on ridding your life and surroundings of negativity. 
